Shanzeh Haider President/Founder

Shanzeh Haider is currently an 11th grade International Baccalaureate Diploma student at the American International School of Johannesburg (AISJ). She moved to Johannesburg in the 8th grade after living in Washington, DC, her entire life. After pursuing a school project on women’s rights, she founded the Say NO to Gender-Based Violence organization in the 9th grade. She has devoted an immense amount of time in creating and building this organization from the ground up, and is very grateful for those who have joined her along the way.

In non-school hours, Shanzeh plays ice hockey, and has even qualified to play on the National Senior Women’s Ice Hockey team of South Africa. Additionally, she likes to write poetry, tutor children, and read. Shanzeh is also a representative on the board of directors for the National Youth Leadership Council, and enjoys educating others on the importance of service learning in youth. In fact, she takes part in the Service Learning Executive Council at AISJ. She also leads another service project at AISJ, Project Dignity which works to promote dignity and respect in topics including puberty, menstruation, consent, safe sex, and contraception. Her service was even able to implement pads in the bathrooms at the school, something that has never been done before.

In essence, Shanzeh is elated to see where this organization goes and how it expands in the coming years.