Our locations.

South Africa

Say NO to Gender-Based Violence South Africa is based in the Johannesburg/Pretoria area in the Gauteng province, founded at the American International School of Johannesburg. With South Africa maintaining some of the highest rates of GBV in the world, it is especially important that we have impact here. We are working towards a better future for the people of South Africa.


After taking inspiration from Ipyana and Shanzeh - who started their own club against GBV in their school in South Africa, Mahima, Bhavyaa, and Muskaan began a ‘Say NO to GBV’ club in their school in Ghana. Through this club, they first hope to raise awareness of GBV within our school before moving to a larger community, looking at how pervasive this issue is and how it manifests itself in the most unnoticeable ways. Through this club, they aim to fight against GBV as a means of prevention and to protect and support victims and survivors in Ghana.